Why workshops will help you to innovate

Why workshops will help you to innovate

When you are looking to innovate you are basically searching for a solution in the unknown. Makes sense right? I mean, it’s not like you’ve lost your keys and by the FamilyGuy keychain you know exactly what to look for.

Peter Griffin.png

Learn from designers and apply design thinking to your organisation. Our regular thinking evolves around the search for causes, problem solving and decision making. This type of thinking takes the existing world as the point of departure but it has no real answers for the world of tomorrow.

Well designed workshops are a great tool to innovate. Here are five reasons why (and I will be brief, this is only a 2-minute read):

#1 Starting With a Clean Slate
Workshops are a safe and time restricted opportunity to let go of all existing thought patterns and start with a clean slate and move into unexpected territory from there. We all may have brilliant ideas hidden away in our minds. Workshops are a great tool to bring those out.

#2 Taking Out The Guess Work
Workshops built on the principles of design thinking force you into a complete new way of thinking: more searching, problem solving and more human centric. Tools like prototyping and the Design Sprint can take the guess work out of your day to day business. Questions like “Are we solving the right problem?” or “Are we developing the right product?” are essential to the success of your venture or organisation. And although these questions seem super obvious, I have seen time and time again that they remain unasked until a workshop calls out all assumptions.

#3 Being Fully Focussed
When your team comes together for a 2-day workshop in an inspiring, non threatening environment, we will take everyone out of their daily routine, making sure we all have the same starting point and guide you through the days with full focus on the challenges at hand. Let’s be honest; how often does it really happen that you and 5 other people take 1, 2 or 3 days to crack one tough nut and one nut only? Attention is scarce these days, but attention is the real game changer.

#4 Fast, Easy and Affordable
If you think 2 days is too much to spend on a workshop, then think about the time it may take certain projects and teams to reach clarity and consensus. If reached at all. Think about how much time is spent on meetings, how much money is wasted on failures and how much frustration it may cause if the best ideas get swallowed by day to day business. Workshops -if designed and moderated well- don’t fool around. They are pressure cookers that end in clarity, energy and excitement.

#5 Expanding Your Team
You don’t have to do this alone. The beauty of a workshop is that you can expand and complete your team with expert skills and knowledge. People who are used to giving you their invaluable and unbiased outside-in point of view. People who normally might not even be available to consult you on your case, can now be added to your workshop team.


Workshops are a lot of fun but never really comfortable. In fact they can be downright scary. Embracing the discomfort may lead to new insights, business models and solutions.

  1. How might we apply blockchain technology in our business?

  2. How might blockchain improve our business and the lives of others?

If one of these questions feel interesting and urgent to you, then please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll give you more information on the workshops and the cases that we worked on.

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Strategy Island

Strategy Island