Why is a Brand Identity Crucial in the Technology Industry?

In the ever-evolving and fiercely competitive technology sector, forging a robust and memorable brand identity is quite a feat. Much like your individual identity defines your unique self, your brand identity serves to distinguish your business from the multitude of competitors and startups who want to be YOU when they grow up. Your brand identity design, in particular, is the driving force behind shaping your company.

It’s a means for you to unfurl your intentions and broadcast your brand promises…and make an impression doing it!

Your brand identity is the collection of all elements that portray the right image to investors and consumers. Various design elements from logo, colour palette, and typography have always been intrinsically tied to a memorable Brand identity. However, the less tangible elements like tone, messaging, and who you are as a brand (the manifesto, mission, vision, values)…these all play a pivotal role in deepening consumer trust and dominating your niche.

Below is the quickest example ever on how StackUp’s Logo stacks up, literally and figuratively. The Manifesto and Full Case Study here.

StackUp is a powerful platform built for developers and innovators in Tech. Upon reaching a milestone of 150,000+ developers in their community, our job was to create a brand that has grown up with them. This logo is a small part of it. The new website is very VERY different from its current one (not built by us) : app.stackup.dev

3 Choices for Tech Startups of Every Shape and Size


5-Day Sprint


This super-swift sprint is great for businesses with a smaller budget that would like to harvest the biggest gains. After a live interactive workshop, we will select 3 brand strategy tools and work on The Plan.

We could, for example, focus on defining your brand DNA, work on threshold testing your existing brand identity for an upcoming event, or define your ideal buyer personas for an upcoming product. We work well with teams.

Investment: from € 6.000,-

Includes a strategic workshop, campaign playbook or a brandbook. Bespoke delivery.

10-Day Sprint


In this agile collaboration, we start by asking critical brand related questions through workshops, and craft a brand strategy anchored on design thinking. This is key to transforming your tech business into a brand.  A wanted one.

This package has everything the 5-day sprint has with far more time allocated to execution. We could work on a website, illustrations, icons…you name it.

Investment: from € 10.000,-
Includes a strategic workshop, logo, identity design and a brandbook and more..

12-Week Program


Our 12-week (re) branding program is like an intense bootcamp for brands. During this program we will do most of the heavy lifting.
You will have a dedicated Brand Strategist who ensures everything goes swimmingly.

We follow the natural flow of the 5 consecutive sprints tempered with a “pressure cooker” approach until your big (re)launch. We deliver a lot of value for a fraction of what other agencies charge.

Investment: from € 29.500,-
After 12 weeks, your brand is ready to be (re)launched. Guaranteed.

5-day Sprint 10-day Sprint 12-week Branding Program
Brand Strategy Workshop
Brand DNA
Messaging / Copy
Brand Personality
Logo / Identity Design
Identity Toolset
Brandbook XL
Custom Materials
Marketing Scan

Play the video for a sneak peek into one of our prep sessions…


Not sure which plan is right for you?